Short Communication
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 92-94
There are several examples of active plant ingredients that provide medicinal plant uses for humans and animals. Alkaloids are insoluble in water but easily soluble in ether, chloroform and oil. They form water soluble crystalline salt with acids. Cardiac glycosides such as digitoxin, digoxin, and convallotoxin support heart strength and rates of contraction when failing. Flavonoids found in many plants like lemon and buckwheat are known to strengthen capillaries and prevent leakage into tissues. Many plants contain high levels of useful vitamins.
Keywords: Herbal, Glycoside, Alkaloid.
How to cite : Shakkarpude J , Jain A , Bhimte A , Active ingredients of herbal drugs. J Pharm Biol Sci 2020;8(2):92-94
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Received : 03-02-2021
Accepted : 11-02-2021
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