Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2023
Article Page : 9-13
The Ebola virus of the Filoviridae family is the cause of Ebola virus disease (EVD), a deadly viral hemorrhagic sickness. Due to the prevalence of immigrants, the disease has become a global public health threat. The victims initially exhibit vague influenza-like symptoms before succumbing to shock and multiorgan failure. There is no established procedure for treating EVD; instead, only supportive and symptomatic therapy is used. The Ebola virus, including its clinical and oral symptoms, diagnostic tools, differential diagnoses, preventive measures, and management protocol, are thoroughly discussed in this review paper. Since then, the Ebola virus has occasionally started to infect humans, causing multiple epidemics. The expansion of the Ebola virus has resulted in the deadliest diseases for both animals and humans because of the growth of urbanization, invasion of forested areas, and intimate contact with wildlife creatures. The Ebola virus disease (EVD) has so far claimed the lives of numerous people, with an increased number of cases being seen throughout the African continent. Thus, a study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of medications approved for the treatment of EVD, trends in EVD outbreaks, morbidity and mortality among EVD patients, and other factors.
Keywords: Clinical Diagnosis, Complications, Ebola virus, Mode of transmission, Treatment
How to cite : Sadgir P B, Pawar P R, Jondhale P S, Sharmale M N, Ambre P, Phalke P L, A review on ebola virus. J Pharm Biol Sci 2023;11(1):9-13
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Received : 22-03-2023
Accepted : 15-06-2023
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