Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2018
Article Page : 39-46
Nanotechnology plays a vital role in the development of biosensors. The sensitivity and performance of biosensors are better-quality by using nanomaterials through new signal transduction technologies. The food products which are spoiled exhibit odours, colours or other sensory characteristics which can be easily discerned by consumers. But when the foods are packed, the packaging material prevent sensory exposure from the foods and hence consumers must trust on expiry dates provided by producers based on a set of idealized assumptions about the way that the food is stored or transported. Nanosensors offer solutions to this problem through their unique chemical and electrooptical properties. Nanosensors can be used to determine microbes, pollutants contaminants etc. and ultimately the freshness of the food. This paper review the status of the various types nanobiosensors and their applications in food.
Keywords: Biosensor, E. coli, Staphylococcal enterotoxin, Salmonella, Mycotoxins, GMO
How to cite : Muthukumaran P, Application of nanobiosensor in food-A comprehensive review. J Pharm Biol Sci 2018;6(2):39-46
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